Chirafisi Law Office

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OWI 1st/ PAC .10- Charge amended to Reckless Driving

Our client worked at the circuit courthouse in this county and was very concerned about how a conviction could impact not only her job, but her reputation at work.  She called around and was told that she should call Corey Chirafisi to see if he could help her out of this very stressful situation.

The client was stopped for speeding early one morning.  After she was stopped, the usual happened: she was questioned about drinking and ultimately was put through field sobriety tests and arrested for OWI.  At the police station, she was asked to submit to a breath test and her result was .10.

Because this case was in municipal court, Attorney Chirafisi had the advantage of doing the trial in the municipal court and then appealing to circuit court if the client was unsuccessful.  It wasn’t necessary.  On the evening of the trial the prosecutor, who has been unwilling to amend OWI cases in every other situation this firm has had in that court, agreed to amend the OWI charge to a reckless driving for a small fine.  The client was thrilled, she did not have concerns about losing her job or having to explain the conviction to the other people in the courthouse.