Chirafisi Law Office

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Felony Injury to Cop Dismissed at Preliminary Hearing

Prosecutors in Dane County charged our client with a felony count of causing soft-tissue injury to a law enforcement officer in relation to the client's arrest following a disturbance at a local casino.  At the preliminary hearing, the District Attorney argued the mere fact that one of the officers sought medical attention for a knee injury after the incident was sufficient to establish probable cause.  During the hearing, Attorney Tim Verhoff was able to get the judge to order the prosecutor to allow him to review the officer's medical records.  Those records revealed the officer suffered a slight scrape to the knee.  But the records showed no internal injuries or injuries to the skin that would require stitches, staples, or tissue adhesive. Our attorney argued that the injury the officer suffered did not meet the legal standard of the soft-tissue injury contemplated under the law.  The judge agreed, dismissing the felony count against our client.