Chirafisi Law Office

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OWI 1st/PAC .12 - Case dismissed

Huge win for client as he is an over the road truck driver who would have lost his job if he was convicted of an OWI charge.

Client was stopped for a loud muffler at 11:30 p.m. State trooper indicated he smelled an odor of intoxicants and the client admitted to having "a few" beers. Cop got client out to perform field sobriety tests.

Corey Chirafisi challenged the officer's decision to request field sobriety testing arguing that there was not reasonable suspicion to believe the client was impaired. After the hearing, the court made the finding that the officer did not have reasonable suspicion to request field sobriety tests and the court suppressed all the evidence. The state immediately moved to dismiss all charges.

Client was literally shaking. So happy we could help him save his job.