OWI 1st with a 0.098 test result amended to Reckless Driving- Dane County

People charged with 1st offense OWI cases usually have very little to lose by putting the government to their burden of proof and trying their cases.  That was the case here.  Our client was stopped for speeding, and the officer stated that she had obvious signs of intoxication: slurred speech, an odor of intoxicants and bloodshot eyes.  She was put through field sobriety tests and ultimately arrested for OWI.  She provided a breath sample which registered a .098g/210L.

The defendant was referred to Chirafisi & Verhoff and she was told that she had a defendable case as there wasn't a reason not to fight the case if she was up for it.  She was and we began working to fight the case.

On the morning the case was set for trial, Attorney Corey Chirafisi showed up ready to go.  It was at that point that the prosecutor made an offer to resolve the case:  If the client plead to a Reckless Driving ticket, all alcohol related violations would be dismissed.  The client got what she wanted--no drunk driving on her record.  She had to pay a small fine and was thrilled with the outcome.